The image is working fine in the side panel, but when I drag and drop it is not loading up
Please inspect the image and check the src attribute of <img> tag. Also please confirm if its custom component or core component.
I am following this tutorial
Page and Templates
Update the Header and Footer with Experience Fragments
On inspect
there is no `img` tag
this is a core component, and I have also added screen shots in previous comment reply for that
it's quite possible that your JSP or Sightly HTL code is incorrectly embedding the image to the page; check the scripts and try again.
What does the <img src=""> actually produce?
from looking at your inspect element, you must make changes to your component to output <img HTML element instead of the div.
this is my HTL code
This is `view as published`
when I click on this pencil Icon
I am able to see image
but after that when I click on tick it again broken!!
Actually, I am new to AEM, currently, I am learning, so I don't know where to make changes
It seems, width and quality are missing from url
can you check the policies of image?
Here are the properties of the image component
and here are the properties of the Image that I am using
I am not sure by the word `polices`, so when I view it as published I get this image URL
Have you got any solution for this? because I am also facing the same issue
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