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HTTP ERROR 503 Problem accessing /. Reason: Authentication Support service missing. Cannot authenticate request.


Level 2

I am new to AEM development and not sure how to fix this issue.

So here is what happen. First, the AEM instance was working fine then all of a sudden I saw a "memory, not enough" error i.e. JVM memory.

So I restarted multiple times before increasing the memory to 1024 and then to 2048

And then I was getting the above error. I googled a bit and finally tried few solutions

  1. Stop the AEM instance.

  2. Go to folder crx-quickstart\repository\ remove folder index

  3. Start the AEM.

Even then I see the same error as shown below!


Any Idea on this. Or Do I need to reinstall the AEM instance?

I am using AEM 6.5 version..




Problem accessing /. Reason:
AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate the request.



Error:11.11.2015 12:38:29.888 *ERROR* [qtp231586654-77] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
11.11.2015 12:38:29.888 *ERROR* [qtp231586654-77] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 5

I have seen this issue if you are using a bad version of the archetype to build your project. What version of AEM are you using? What version of the archetype are you using. We did notice RepoInit was creating the issue with indexing. We upgraded to 6.5.7 and we got rid of the RepoInit files in the archetype and deleted the index directory (makes the system reindex), and the problem went away. Check the error logs as requested, and you might see an issue with the repo initializing. We started down the route because we read https://blogs.perficient.com/2020/06/17/one-tool-to-configure-them-all-sling-repoinit/ . 



View solution in original post

8 Replies


Employee Advisor


This is a symptom which normally just shows up when your repository is corrupted and is not able to start. In the logfile you should see more error messages before which give more information about the type of the problem.


If this is a local development environment, it normally doesn't make much sense in trying to fix that, it's much faster if you just start over with a new repository.


Level 2
Hi Jorg, So, true , it doesn't make sense to spend time on it. I went ahead and reinstall new instance :(.


Correct answer by
Level 5

I have seen this issue if you are using a bad version of the archetype to build your project. What version of AEM are you using? What version of the archetype are you using. We did notice RepoInit was creating the issue with indexing. We upgraded to 6.5.7 and we got rid of the RepoInit files in the archetype and deleted the index directory (makes the system reindex), and the problem went away. Check the error logs as requested, and you might see an issue with the repo initializing. We started down the route because we read https://blogs.perficient.com/2020/06/17/one-tool-to-configure-them-all-sling-repoinit/ . 




Level 2
Thanks for sharing the link! Yes, I do see an error in logs as below


Level 2
Here is the error " ERROR* [Apache Sling Repository Startup Thread] com.adobe.granite.repository.impl.SlingRepositoryManager Exception in a SlingRepositoryInitializer, SlingRepository service registration aborted org.apache.sling.repoinit.parser.RepoInitParsingException: Encountered " "set" "set "" at line 4, column 9. Was expecting: <EOF> "


Employee Advisor

@Sean-McKis right. Although he posted the answer 2 hours ago, but @sshoda shared details about the root cause only 7mins ago


The problem is indeed the repoinit script, and it seems the latest archetype makes some assumptions which do not hold true for AEM 6.x. As suggested, please remove the OSGI configuration for it, and go on.

Please also report an issue for the archetype, because this must not happen.


Level 2

Thanks, Sean-McK

I do see an Error :

 ERROR* [Apache Sling Repository Startup Thread] com.adobe.granite.repository.impl.SlingRepositoryManager Exception in a SlingRepositoryInitializer, SlingRepository service registration aborted
org.apache.sling.repoinit.parser.RepoInitParsingException: Encountered " "set" "set "" at line 4, column 9.
Was expecting:


And my AEM version is 6.5.0



Level 1

Let's try to access and do the same steps https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype/issues/852. It works for me.