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HTML5colorpicker component


Former Community Member


Do we have an AEM component in place somewhere where authors can select from a wide range of colors (Any) and it would just provide the hex value for that.Something exactly like a html5colorpicker


I already checked the implementation for colorpicker and colorfield xtypes and that limiting the range of colors.We would want them to select from any range of colors.

Please help provide the link if anyone has already worked on something similar.



8 Replies


Level 4


Former Community Member

This again is from the selected/defined list of component.I would want to have a wide spectrum of colors like in html5colorpicker.

Like we have in paintbrush.


Level 10

"This again is from the selected/defined list of component"

If you want a color picker in an AEM classic dialog - then you can use this xtype (as you stated - its limited): 


Also - see: http://experience-aem.blogspot.ca/2014/11/aem-6-sp1-rich-text-editor-classic-ui-color-palette.html

If you want to use in a Touch UI dialog - see this community article: 


These are your 2 choices for getting a color picker into an AEM component dialog. 

Of course if you want a color picker component in an AEM web page - you have far more choices. You can build a custom AEM component using a JQuery plug-in. 





Can you please elaborate with the term "limiting the range of colors" ?

You can go through the community article to achieve this:

Link:- http://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2014/11/aem-6-sp1-rich-text-editor-classic-ui-color-palette.html

// here you can add any Hex value to get the color (even if the color is not in default colors present)

Demo:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4d6KmbLkAumcmp3NEV2SU41TWM/view?pref=2&pli=1



Link 2:- http://conexiogroup.com/custom-colorpicker-in-aem-6-1-touch-ui-dialog/

//Custom ColorPicker in AEM 6.1 Touch-ui Dialog


Option 2:- You can also achieve the needful by using 3rd party j query plugins.

Helpx Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-carousel-components.html (Create a component using 3rd party JS)

Link:- http://www.eyecon.ro/colorpicker/ (Jquery color picker)

Link:- http://www.jqueryrain.com/demo/jquery-color-picker/


I hope this would help you.

Thanks and Regards

Kautuk Sahni

Kautuk Sahni


Former Community Member


Is the component released yet?


Former Community Member

Thanks a lot ! :)


Former Community Member

try this...color picker