Hello can I please ask for some quidelines how to transform CRA (create-react-app) into one standalone clientlib for one ( NON AEM SPA) custom componenent ? This component will exist with standard AEM components on the page.
Fully static aem page with header, herobanner, footer - build using standard aem components but I want to have one part of body of this page to be dynamic react app with some external api calls
I created a react app that I want to transform to an aem component that will recive some json data from Model
<div id="myComponent" data-props="{image: SomeAemModel.imageSrc, heading: SomeAemModel.heading}"></div>
I checked some of the libs that could help like `react-habitat` and `aem-clientlib-generator` but I am not quite sure how to connect dots here. Cheers