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How to include OOTB Rich Text as Part of Authoring dialog ( Touch UI)


Level 4

In Ext JS we can xtype = richtext to include the Rich Text as part of authoring Dialog. 

What should be the   sling:resourceType=""  in Touch UI to include the rich text as part of authoring dialog ?   

4 Replies


Level 10

Overlay the touch ui text component. https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/configure-touchui-rte.html. That artivle will point you in the right direction.


Level 4

I already have the overlay touch ui component under /apps/a/b/c/text. 


How would I include the same rich text component in other component as part of authoring input ?


Level 4

I still could not find a good reference on how to include a TOUCH-UI Component  (Overlaid version) as part of another authoring dialog. 

Is this possible in TOUCH- UI Component ?


Level 5

Check out the textimage component at wcm/foundation/textimage that essentially combines the text component and the image component into one, which might point you in the right direction.