First of all, I'm using 6.5 on-prem with 6.5.21 service pack. Can anyone give me information on how I would be able to create a folder structure within the metadata schema form area? I am running multiple sites within my instance and want to be able to delegate rights for the different site administrators to be able to manage/create their own metadata schemas as needed, but only for the sites they manage. I know if I'm able to create a folder structure then I could accomplish this through folder security, but there is no out-of-the-box method to create folders within this interface. The only option under "Create" is schema form.
Even if I have to do this through a package deploy from a lower environment where I can manually create the folder structure I'd like to do it, but I can't identify the location of these schemas within the DAM.
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Hi @ShaggySPFLD
The foldermetadataschema are created only at /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/foldermetadataschema, unfortunately no subfolders are allowed
So how would one go about creating multiple metadata profiles for the same extension but applying different ones to different areas of a sites asset structure? If DNR wants to have two different metadata schemas for pdf documents where one adds custom fields for "Category" and "Date Received" and the other adds fields for "Report Revision Date" and "Facility Name" then how do we identify which folder each of the respective PDF schemas apply too? Do i have to have two different "DNR-" schema form roots at the root level? like "DNR-GeneralDocuments" and "DNR-MineReports"? That could become a real nightmare from a security administration perspective when they have to come to me to create a new schema root every time one comes out because i can't give them root access because they could mess up another tenant.
Hi @ShaggySPFLD
If you are using netcentric AC tools then you can manage permission easily for multiple foldermetadatschema
e.g. Lets say you have 2 metadata for siteA i.e. sitea-genertedoc, sitea-minereports
- FOR site IN CHILDREN OF /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/foldermetadataschema:
- IF ${startsWith(,'sitea-')}:
- fmd-author-sitea:
- path: /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/foldermetadataschema/${}
permission: allow
Yeah, it's just disappointing because i was actually able to get a package deployed that would create the folder structure i needed, but then i didn't get the correct actions in the ribbon bar once i was navigated into it within the touchUI. I could create all the profiles but there were no buttons to apply those profiles to folders.
Yes, schema form section does not have a create folder option. I would assume the reason being for that is metadata is essentially driven by mime-types. For your particular use case, I think you can create copies of the default schema, name them appropriately like SiteA, SiteB etc and then try providing permissions to these copied schemas (/conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/metadataschema/siteA) respectively and they can edit them as per their requirements.
Then these can be applied to respective folders.
Hope this helps.
@ShaggySPFLD Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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