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How set timeout for Servlet


Former Community Member

I've developed a servlet to AEM.
The Servlet works correctly, but I wanted to better understand its life cycle.
Especially, once the servlet is invoked how to set a timeout for its execution, if it never ends its operations, and how to handle the release of its resources - all within the context of AEM.
I did some testing, and from what I see it seems that once the servlet is started you can't stop it
I tried to set the a t imeout by turning based configuration of this service "Jetty based Apache Felix HTTP Service"
(from the Configuration Manager) but without success

I had a look at this thread [http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...] and seems that it's not possible to manage the life cycle of a servlet

Thanks for the help and support

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2 Replies


Level 10

"but I wanted to better understand its life cycle"

Read about Sling  Servlets here: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/the-sling-engine/servlets.html


Former Community Member

Hi Scott,
thank you for your reply

I following your suggestion to read the documentation, in particular this paragraph: "servlet-lifecycle-issues" https://sling.apache.org/documentation/the-sling-engine/servlets.html#servlet-lifecycle-issues
And to me seems that once a servlet is instantiated, it's not possible to stop it.

Because the requirement I have, i thinking if there is a way to check the progress of the Servlet?
Or if could be a useful way try to instantiate threads for each request and manage their live-cycle?