According to my disk usage report, my JCR repository is 1.97 GB:
But when I look at the actual disk space taken up it's 15 GB:
$ sudo du -sh repository/
15G repository/
I understand that there is some overhead but 10 x seems absurd.
I've run the data store garbage collection and the revision garbage collection (http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak%3Aname%3Drepository+manager%2Ctyp...)
but it doesn't seem to free up more space. I'm running on a VM that is a pain to resize and I need to free up space.
Any help is appreciated!
I believe disk cleanup is only checking "repository/segmentstore" folder. There are other folders under repository as well.
Can you check the size of "datastore", "blobid" and "index" directories?
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Looks like the biggest cuprit is repository/datastore.
crx-quickstart]$ sudo du --max-depth=2 -h .
202M ./launchpad/installer
4.7M ./launchpad/config
8.0K ./launchpad/conf
482M ./launchpad/felix
3.5M ./launchpad/startup
693M ./launchpad
2.3M ./repository/blobids
65M ./repository/index
12G ./repository/datastore
2.8G ./repository/segmentstore
15G ./repository
1.5M ./opt/helpers
1.6M ./opt/portal
76K ./opt/notsoserial
18M ./opt/filevault
33M ./opt/extensions
54M ./opt
3.8M ./threaddumps/20190604
1.2M ./threaddumps/20190606
4.0M ./threaddumps/20190605
3.9M ./threaddumps/20190405
352K ./threaddumps/20190602
3.0M ./threaddumps/20190531
400K ./threaddumps/20190406
168K ./threaddumps/20190525
2.8M ./threaddumps/20190603
20M ./threaddumps
12K ./monitoring
4.0K ./logs/ffmpeg
5.5M ./logs
40K ./bin
236K ./conf
463M ./app
16G .
I thought that's what the datastore garbage collection cleaned up...
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By default, everything above 4KB will go to datastore. So, it mostly assets, packages, other files, etc.
That said, DSGC will only clear up storage in datastore for the nodes that are not referenced in the segmentstore. So, you need to actually delete assets, packages and other files -> Run Revision cleanup -> Run DSGC to free up the disk space.