I have requirement to get author name who has created the page. I am able to get fetch pageProperties.jcr:createdBy but its giving me author user Id. I want the actual name of the author(full name). How we can achieve this.
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This is an example User profile. The user ID is set in pageproperties jcr:createdBy
This is the user data in CRX stored. You need to fetch the user familyName and givenName.
Now when this user is creating a page userID will place in pageProperties.jcr:createdBy
Read this user ID and place it in Java code
UserManager userManager = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(UserManager.class);
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable("userID");
Now actually you will know the actual user profile path by
Now resolve the resource and get the necessary values:
String fName = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(authorizable.getPath() + "/profile").getValueMap().get("givenName", "");
String lName = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(authorizable.getPath() + "/profile").getValueMap().get("familyName", "");
Note: You might not have access to read value under /home/users/ except for the administrator user role. In that case, you can create a service user instead of request.getResourceResolver() use only resourceResolver which has the permission of the service user.
Hello you can do it in 2 ways:
Follow this document: https://www.albinsblog.com/2015/03/how-to-get-userinfo-through-java-api-in.html#.ZDfbs9JBxH4
You can use this code snippet
UserManager userManager = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(UserManager.class);
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable("userIDFromCRX");
String fName = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(authorizable.getPath() + "/profile").getValueMap().get("givenName", "");
User data in CRX: /home/users/we-retail/DSCP-athB1NYLBXvdTuN
Hi @Sady_Rifat can give more insight on this i am new to this concept
This is an example User profile. The user ID is set in pageproperties jcr:createdBy
This is the user data in CRX stored. You need to fetch the user familyName and givenName.
Now when this user is creating a page userID will place in pageProperties.jcr:createdBy
Read this user ID and place it in Java code
UserManager userManager = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(UserManager.class);
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable("userID");
Now actually you will know the actual user profile path by
Now resolve the resource and get the necessary values:
String fName = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(authorizable.getPath() + "/profile").getValueMap().get("givenName", "");
String lName = request.getResourceResolver().getResource(authorizable.getPath() + "/profile").getValueMap().get("familyName", "");
Note: You might not have access to read value under /home/users/ except for the administrator user role. In that case, you can create a service user instead of request.getResourceResolver() use only resourceResolver which has the permission of the service user.