Hi all,
I am defining the externalizer configuration for a multilingual site.
My problem comes up when I try to externalize a path to different domains. How do I externalize an URL to www.mycompany.com/page1.html or www.mycompany.es/page1.html???
I have already created an externalizer tag to externalize URLs, so, I have thought to create a 'multisite' special domain that is specially treated in my tag. Something like:
If ('multisite'.equals(domain)){
path = currentPage.getPath;
if (path.contains(SPANISH_MARKET_IDENTIFIER)) {
return externalizer.externalLink(resourceResolver, 'spain', scheme, "/page1") + ".html";
} elseif (path.contains(FRENCH_MARKET_IDENTIFIER)) {
return externalizer.externalLink(resourceResolver, 'france', scheme, "/page1") + ".html";
And then my externalizer config file will have an entry on externalizer.domains for each country. It sounds like a very hand made solution. Any other solution/idea???
Thanks in advance,
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi Salvador,
Few things to validate:
1. Do you have seperate cache set up for each domain on Dispatcher level (you will need it).
2. Secondly what's your real requirement? Every link on a page that you display should have an url containing domain instead of just /page.html -> absolute url?
3. You should utilize Sling mapping to have a flexible connection from content to domain. Once you have that, write your own Sling Rewriter (https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-link-rewrite.html). Inside your rewriter, for each internal link (starting with /) find it's resource and then do a mapping (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/javadoc/org/apache/sling/api/resource/ResourceResolver.html#..., java.lang.String) to get a full (external) url.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the topics I mentioned above. If it doesn't make too much sense for you after getting trough those materials give a shout.
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Hi Salvador,
Few things to validate:
1. Do you have seperate cache set up for each domain on Dispatcher level (you will need it).
2. Secondly what's your real requirement? Every link on a page that you display should have an url containing domain instead of just /page.html -> absolute url?
3. You should utilize Sling mapping to have a flexible connection from content to domain. Once you have that, write your own Sling Rewriter (https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-link-rewrite.html). Inside your rewriter, for each internal link (starting with /) find it's resource and then do a mapping (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/javadoc/org/apache/sling/api/resource/ResourceResolver.html#..., java.lang.String) to get a full (external) url.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the topics I mentioned above. If it doesn't make too much sense for you after getting trough those materials give a shout.
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