Hello there,
I've pin-pointed the file and line that's causing the error, but am unsure of how to solve it. The culprit file is located at /etc/clientlibs/granite/jquery/granite/csrf/source/csrf.js which is in the granite.jquery clientlib. The relevant code block is the following:
if (result.nodeName === 'IFRAME') {if (result.contentWindow && !result._csrf) { result._csrf = true; handleForm(result.contentWindow.document); } }
The error doesn't occur in other browsers because result.contentWindow.document is a valid populated object by the time it's passed in to handleForm.
Meanwhile, in internet explorer, result.contentWindow has a predominant error object within it, preventing the document from being properly populated. Before the handleForm function has a chance to run, an exception is thrown and execution is halted, preventing the remaining google code from running and the granite handleForm function from running.
Does anyone know how what I can do about this? I'm at a loss.
This looks like a bug - please file a ticket so Support and ENg teams are made aware of this: https://helpx.adobe.com/marketing-cloud/contact-support.html
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Hi Tigran,
I'm facing the same issue for the integration of google recaptcha. Did you find a solution? Or filed a ticket at day care?
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Hi Christopher, yes, we got a response from day care. The rep said that it was a known issue and would be fixed in 6.2 and provided a workaround for 6.1:
Within csrf.js replace the following:
if (result.contentWindow && !result._csrf) { result._csrf = true; handleForm(result.contentWindow.document); }
try { if (result.contentWindow && !result._csrf) { result._csrf = true; handleForm(result.contentWindow.document); } } catch (ex) { if (result.src && result.src.length && verifySameOrigin(result.src)) { if (window.console) { console.error('Unable to attach CSRF token an iframe element on the same origin'); } } // Potential error: Access is Denied // we can safely ignore CORS security errors here // because we do not want to expose the csrf anyways to another domain }