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Error in Dispatcher Setup on Local using dispatcher-sdk-2.0.91


Level 1



Trying to do dispatcher(dispatcher-sdk-2.0.91) set up on Mac following https://github.com/adobe/aem-enablement/tree/master/AEMAsACloudService/08_Dispatcher_SDK_Validator documentation .


Able to execute till Step 3 but while executing Step 4 i.e. Running "./bin/docker_run.sh ./out docker.for.mac.localhost:4503 8080" command getting  

"docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase."  error 


Can anyone help me identify the root cause of the issue .

6 Replies


Community Advisor

Dear @nitinp46101556 


Presumably your docker is up and running on specific port (eg. 8081), Can you try this below command once?

./bin/docker_run.sh ./src host.docker.internal:4503 8081

Let me know if still any concern.






Community Advisor


Can you confirm the folder name (where out is located) is without spaces. Ignore, if it is. 


Level 1

I'm having the same issue and checked that the folder where out is located has no unwanted stuff, but this continues with the same issue, any thoughts?


Level 1

I ran into the same issue just a couple of hours ago and hope this helps you out of this situation:

- By now you should already have your dispatcher image available on your docker dashboard, right?


- As a workaround to this situation you can just run it directly from there, adding some environment variables on the "optional settings" panel to it:

those are the AEM_PORT and the AEM_HOST which are the ones related to your publish instance, in my case "docker.for.mac.localhost" and "4503" respectively.


I'm still trying to find the origin of this situation, but for now, this workaround can help us to continue without any blockers.