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Disabled component on XF does not link to another page (general template)


Level 2

When authors create a XF template in the Experience Fragment folder and have a disabled component plus active components. When its time to link the XF template to another page under the sites, currently, the disabled component is not being rendered on the page view in both wcmmode=disabled and publisher view. To display the disabled component, the condition only shows in edit mode within the page section and other container components. This is not a bug, but the authors when creating a general page and XF with a disabled component is linked from an XF container on a page, instead of rendering the content it gives some other sort of visual indicator that a) there's an XF container on the page and b) it's linking through to an XF with disabled content? This could be an overlay, an overlaid message, a path with the XF, etc. 


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4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @miniMeatball 

It is a designed behavior in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) when authors create an Experience Fragment (XF) template containing both disabled and active components. When linking the XF template to another page under the sites, the disabled component will not be rendered on the page view in both wcmmode=disabled (Edit mode) and publisher view. Instead, there are visual indicators to convey the presence of the XF container on the page and its association with disabled content.

To clarify further, let's explore the visual indicators and how they manifest:

  • Visual Indicator for XF Container: When a page contains an XF container that links to an XF with disabled content, AEM usually provides a visual indicator within the authoring interface to signify the presence of the XF container. This indicator might be an overlay, an overlaid message, or an icon that shows authors that an XF is present on the page.
  • Indication of Linked XF: In addition to the visual indicator for the XF container, AEM may also display an overlay, an icon, or a path to indicate that the XF container links through to an XF with disabled content. This visual cue helps authors understand that the XF container is associated with disabled content and provides context for its usage.

These visual indicators serve as a means of communication to authors, ensuring they are aware of the disabled content's presence within the XF and its relationship with the XF container on the page. While the disabled components do not appear in the published page view, these indicators enable authors to preview the XF's content and understand how it contributes to the overall page layout during the editing process.


Level 2


At one point there was visual indication for the author, but since we made changes to the experience fragment policy. The visual indication no longer shows. So the change we made, experience fragment is now a container behavior similar to content grid or page section. So now I am trying to figure out how to either render the disabled component from xf template or customize a visual indicator. 


Community Advisor

Hi @miniMeatball 

As you changed the default behavior and after changes again you want that type of behavior you need to change more again..


Level 2

I just know there was a recent update that another dev did. I've been thinking of a code or jquery to create a visual indicator.