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dependencies issue in bundle


Level 4

im using AEM 6.5.8
in my  project i want to use below dependencies , i added in pom file build success but  project bundle is  inactive and  issue is this   dependencies  cannot be resolved



org.apache.commons.text,version=[1.10,2) -- Cannot be resolved

how i can resolve this issue?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @user96222 ,

The dependencies can not be resolved issue appears when  the same is not available in the context of OSGI. First check if you have any other OSGI packages which is already available OOTB and can be used to perform the functionalities that you are trying to achieve .


If it's not possible then embedding the dependency is another approach . Pls check the below article  for more details .





View solution in original post

5 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @user96222 ,

Kindly check the error and try to delete the jar from .m2 folder and run mvn clean install again.

Also validate the correct version of dependency using the depfinder tool http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder



Himanshu Jain


Level 4

@Himanshu_Jain  -i didnt find any version in depfinder


Package Version Exported by Used by bundle(s) Maven Dependency

org.apache.commons.text-No exporting bundle(s) foundNo importing bundle(s) foundNo maven information available


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @user96222 ,

The dependencies can not be resolved issue appears when  the same is not available in the context of OSGI. First check if you have any other OSGI packages which is already available OOTB and can be used to perform the functionalities that you are trying to achieve .


If it's not possible then embedding the dependency is another approach . Pls check the below article  for more details .






Employee Advisor

Hi Team,


To resolve the issue with `org.apache.commons.text` in AEM 6.5.8, ensure that the dependency is properly embedded in your project. Update your `maven-bundle-plugin` configuration in the `core/pom.xml` to include the dependency under `Embed-Dependency`, like this: `commons-text;scope=compile|runtime`.

Alternatively, manually install the `commons-text` bundle in AEM’s OSGi console by downloading it from Maven Central. Finally, verify that the dependency version is compatible, and consider using an older version (e.g., 1.9.0) if needed.


Manvi Sharma



@user96222 Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni