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DAM asset management , custom metadata


Level 3


I am trying to understand DAM ... While going through creating custom metadata... i got a confusion about the this part of dam.

What really is asseteditor

What are the differences between them and what they actually refer.

I am trying to create a custom metadata in TOUCH UI by going to tools->assets->metadataschemas and added a metadata to image.

Now i uploaded the image and viewing it through CLASSIC UI .. the custom metadata dint appear.

So does that metadata actually appear in TOUCH UI only?? I cross checked the apps/dam/content my custom metadata is present there.

The second thing..

While referring to some of the site.. to create custom metadata with CLASSIC UI .. need to copy the /libs/dam/content/asseteditors/formitems to /apps.

So, while i am trying to create a  custom metadata with TOUCH UI .. why they are saved under schemaeditors ??

That means,

  asseteditor is for CLASSIC UI ??

     schemaeditor for TOUCH UI  ??

Please help me in understanding these concepts..
It would be helpful if any references to go  through.


3 Replies


Level 10

THis question was passed to the Digital Asset Management team.



Here is the article on Asset Editor. Depending upon the underlying metadata form, the layout of the metadata editor may differ.

To ensure your custom changes reflect on the asset metadata, ensure that you have explicitly applied the schema to the asset. It also depends on the Mime type for the asset. If you use a custom form for a particular Mime type, then all assets of the particular mime type should reflect the metadata fields you specified in the custom form.

Regarding your second question, the behavior should be same for both Touch and Classic UIs. Will get back with more details tomorrow.