Could you share more details about the use case? What do you mean when you say 'video comp. with HTML file'?
check these -
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating Interactive Video Components for Adobe Experience Manager
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Thanks for appearing here.
Further, like heroimage, we want to customize video component with some image and tab. A problem we are facing for this is we don't have base video component like for image. So, what's the way for creating a customized video component?
Use the above mentioned player provided by Lokesh and customize it.
You just need a video component (with any player) and enable the component to get thumbnail images/text/any relevant markup from its dialog and render it in the HTL/JSP.
Does that help?
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We have some articles that talk about custom video components.
1 - See: Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating an AEM 6.4 HTML Template Language movie component - this plays videos located in the DAM. An author selects this using a component dialog.
2 - An article that shows you how to play YouTube vidoes in am AEM page -- Scott's Digital Community: Creating an Experience Manager YouTube Component
PS - YouTube example is being updated today for AEM 6.4
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