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Custom Datatype in Content Fragment Model


Level 2

How to create a Custom Datatype for Content Fragment Model?

[Moved out of the Forum comments forum (which is for issues with these forums themselves) and into a product-specific, support forum by a moderator.]

3 Replies


Level 2

You've posted in the Forum Comments forum which is for issues with these forums themselves. Adobe makes over 100 different pieces of software. If you tell us which piece of Adobe software you're using, a moderator can move your post to the appropriate forum.


Level 10

Looks like you have a pre-defined set of data types.  Content Fragment Models

HOwever - If you want to build custom models for AEM components - you should look at perhaps at using HTL and Sling Models where you have more more power of creating custom models to meet your business requirements.

Take a look at how the CARD component is built using the WEEKEND tutorial (part 6) -

Getting Started with AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial