Occasionally an item in our replication queue will generate an error and the queue becomes blocked.
Does anyone know of a cURL command that would delete just the first item in the replication queue for a specific replication agent?
I would like to automate the removal of this item.
Hi Tom,
from the documentation, the recommended approach is to do it manually[0][1]. I guess you could check to see the calls that are being made by the UI using and try and replicate these, but ideally som manual intervention should be used to determine the issue and investigate why the node is not being replicated. I am presuming you are monitoring the replication queues via the JMX beans to see if the queue is stuck and send an alert when there is an issue?
[0] https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/deploy/troubleshoot-rep.html
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/marketing-cloud/experience-manager/faq_aem.html
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Hi Tom
Adding reference on top of Opkae's Reply.
Link:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/replication-stuck.html
Force the queue clearance by deleting corresponding Sling Jobs
One can achieve this by getting rid directly of the Sling Jobs with topic =replication agent name.
Quickest way to do this is to use CRXDE Lite (http://host:port/crx/de/index.jsp), and delete the node:
So for example with the default publish agent:
Note this is considered as an exceptional workaround action, contact AEM Support anyway if such a case occurs.
// Monitoring Replication Queue Status in an automated fashion
Link:- http://www.wemblog.com/2011/12/how-to-use-curl-command-to-find-pending.html
// How to use CURL command to find pending and blocking job in the replication Queue in CQ5.4 / WEM
We can get Curl command for any action in web. Please read this article to know how this is done:-
Link:- http://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/adobe-cq5-aem-curl-commands/
Use FireFox –> Press F12 and open FireBug console. Click on “NET” tab in FireBug and enable it by clicking “Enable”. Perform any AEM operation on webpage. Click “invoke”. In FireBug console , you will see the full request URL when you take mouse on top of your request url under POST tab . Copy full path along with parameters from “POST” tab under it. You got your URL that you can append at the end of cURL command and access the same resource using cURL. Above process is very much useful for testers to automate AEM operations. Lets have a look at AEM cURL commands.
I hope this would help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni