Hi All,
Kindly help me with the below issue for Component Rollout in AEM 6.4
I have MSM setup for the site. And i am not able to do a component level roll out as the icon is not available. If a new component is created the icon is available.
Is there any procedure or series of events to be followed to achieve the Rollout for components and for the icon to be available in the editor.html view of the page.
Note: Page Rollouts are working fine.
There might be something wrong with the BP-livecopy relationship at the component level. Setup a DEBUG logger on "com.day.cq.wcm.msm" to check more info on the blueprint and live copy relationship.
In the log , all the component's log seem similar.
Details: the Component with the Rollout icon(1) and the component without the Rollout Icon(2) have the same logs as below.
(1)GET /content/CognizantDotcom/language-masters/en_us/industries.html HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.LiveRelationshipManagerImpl no relation for /content/CognizantDotcom/language-masters/en_us/industries/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid_774549146/title found.
(2)GET /content/CognizantDotcom/language-masters/en_us/industries.html
HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.LiveRelationshipManagerImpl no relation for /content/CognizantDotcom/language-masters/en_us/industries/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid_774549146/accordion found.
Does it have something to do with the component?
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I had same issue. Found the reason on why it was happening.
Until the below line is 'true' we do not get 'rollout' option at component level.
<div data-sly-test="${!wcmmode.disabled && condition2}" class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="${component.title}"></div>
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Where is this line of code located? Thanks in advance!
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Late to the party, but I run into this too and the problem is the cq-placeholder class. Displaying it disables the rollout button (I assume because AEM considers that components having this class are empty and shouldn't be rolled out)
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Late to the party, but I ran into this too and the problem is the cq-placeholder class. Displaying it disables the rollout button (I assume because AEM considers that components having this class are empty and shouldn't be rolled out)