We have implemented MSM in our project. I would like to know when the content is modified in the parent, one of the page property need to be modified and rollout the content to child.
For example :
Parent page "A" has page property "refPath=/content/myapp/abc/lmn" and when page is rollout to child then the property need to be changed to "refPath=/content/myapp/MOP/KPM". This change should happen in the rollout config. How this can be achieved.
Thanks in Advance
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Hi Meenakshi
Above approach is for all properties , where you can directly relate say A (src) needs to be mapped to B(trgt) scenario. But for your requirement , you need to create custom Live Action as I mentioned in the last . Below github code will clearly give you an idea how to write your code to do your requirement
Check lines 92 - 103. Let me know if you need more info
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Hi Meenakshi
If my understanding is correct , then you want to change a property to another while roll out. This is the basic configuration we do while configuring the custom roll out config. Please read Configuring Live Copy Synchronization - docs.adobe.com . In this document read "INSTALLED SYNCHRONIZATION ACTIONS" --> editProperties. You can acheive this by below steps
1. Go to http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs
2. Click on New and create a new roll out config
3. Open the newly created config page and click on edit in "Settings"
4. Under Sync Trigger, select "On Rollout"
5. Now go to this node under your CRXDE . /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/custom-roll-out/jcr:content
6. For your reference , Check the custom roll out configuration already available for geometrixx website /etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/geometrixx-outdoors-mobile/jcr:content/editProperties
The editMap property basically defines " which property in parent should be changed from what to what " . That said , let me explain one value set in that node to explain you what we exactly mean here
I have taken first value from that node below
7. Now coming back to where we left in step 5, right click and create a new node under jcr:content
Create the node with below properties
Name : - editProperties (Please be sure about the spelling. Sling is very much case sensitive)
Type :- cq:LiveSyncAction
8. Add a property "editMap" (String)
If you need to change refPath=/content/myapp/abc/lmn to refPath=/content/myapp/MOP/KPM , then the value should be set as below
refPath#/content/myapp/abc/lmn#/content/myapp/MOP/KPM (or if you can figure out a generic regex , that also will do )
You can add all the properties you need to map like this as comma (,) separated values.
PS:- Please note that this will replace all the child pages refPath to /content/myapp/MOP/KPM , but if you can figure out a generic pattern , add it as a regex to match your requirement.
Please let me know if you need any more information
PS:- The above would help you to fix your issue. But incase you need to create your own liveActions this may help Implement Custom CQ Rollout Action | /home/bkondepudi
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Thanks Veena.
This we have implemented for sling:resourceType property.
Consider a scenario where a URLs field of xtype multifield.
If new item is added and the value contains a path then the value need to be modified on rollout.
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Hi Meenakshi
Above approach is for all properties , where you can directly relate say A (src) needs to be mapped to B(trgt) scenario. But for your requirement , you need to create custom Live Action as I mentioned in the last . Below github code will clearly give you an idea how to write your code to do your requirement
Check lines 92 - 103. Let me know if you need more info
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