When we attempt to move a web page from one place to another we're seeing a problem with the built-in /bin/wcm/heavymove. For some reason this operation is taking a minimum of 4-5 minutes (and sometimes up to 15) to complete - which is obviously beyond a browser's timeout limit. Has anyone else seen behavior like this? Here's output from the request log:
14/Jul/2016:16:06:47 -0400 [31467] -> GET /bin/wcm/heavymove?path=%2Fcontent%2Fhistory%2Fnhhc%2Fresearch%2Fhistories%2Fship-histories%2Fconfederate_ships%2Fadventure&_charset_=utf-8&maxRefNo=150 HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:08:24 -0400 [31468] -> PUT /libs/sling/topology/connector.b392df08-eec7-4072-b1d2-d2638fcb3f9d.json HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:08:24 -0400 [31468] <- 200 - 0ms 14/Jul/2016:16:08:47 -0400 [31469] -> GET /libs/granite/csrf/token.json HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:08:47 -0400 [31469] <- 200 application/json 32ms 14/Jul/2016:16:10:53 -0400 [31470] -> GET /content/history/nhhc/research/histories/ship-histories/confederate_ships/b.pages.json?_dc=1468527053170&sort=index&dir=ASC&start=0&limit=30&predicate=siteadmin HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:10:53 -0400 [31470] <- 200 application/json 45ms 14/Jul/2016:16:10:54 -0400 [31471] -> PUT /libs/sling/topology/connector.b392df08-eec7-4072-b1d2-d2638fcb3f9d.json HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:10:54 -0400 [31471] <- 200 - 0ms 14/Jul/2016:16:10:56 -0400 [31472] -> GET /content/history/nhhc/research/histories/ship-histories/confederate_ships/c.pages.json?_dc=1468527056190&sort=index&dir=ASC&start=0&limit=30&predicate=siteadmin HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:10:56 -0400 [31472] <- 200 application/json 70ms 14/Jul/2016:16:11:03 -0400 [31473] -> GET /libs/cq/ui/widgets/themes/default/ext/button/s-arrow-o.gif HTTP/1.1 14/Jul/2016:16:11:03 -0400 [31473] <- 200 image/gif 31ms 14/Jul/2016:16:11:15 -0400 [31467] <- 200 application/json 267959ms
Note that in this case the response took 268 seconds to complete. The page in question is fairly deep in the structure, but there aren't any layers below it so I'm not sure why this operation should be running as long as it is.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
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This post will be moved to the Adobe Experience Manager topic, but it will help if you identify what version you're using, include any service packs or hot fixes you've applied.
I looked at the release notes for 6.0 SP3 and 6.1 SP1 and there was a fix to heavy move, but it does not refer to performance.
If you have a log, that might help as well.
- JK
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Thanks, JK - we're running AEM 6.1 SP1. I attempted to turn on logging for this by creating a debug and trace-level logger for 'com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.servlets' but that got a single line in the log:
15.07.2016 07:47:11.734 *DEBUG* [ [1468583025705] GET /bin/wcm/heavymove HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.servlets.HeavyMoveDialogServlet Searching for references for the path: /content/history/nhhc/research/histories/ship-histories/confederate_ships/roebuck-side-wheel-seamer
which was not terribly helpful.
Any tips on how to better debug this problem?
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I recently read an article stating that "/bin/wcm/heavymove" usually is very expensive so, better override "CQ.wcm.SiteAdmin.movePage".
Link:- http://experience-aem.blogspot.in/2015/05/aem-6-sp2-classic-ui-damadmin-restrict-moving-folder-with-... (Read comment section)
I will let community to answer this and share their views on this.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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