We know apache config.The directory structure under oursite.dispatcher.cloud contains some seemingly duplicate files / dirs, and several unknown ones.We are struggling to find any documentation (at least google finds almost nothing). Any tips on where to look?AEM has the following structure: conf.d...
Currently we are trying to save a set of data into etc path . And content pages which would eventually read info from that etc path by querying . I would like move the data to the same path where the content page is . Before i do that , I wanted to know if there is any real advantage of using etc pa...
Hi all, I am trying to download S3 datastore connector from https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/adobe/granite/com.adobe.granite.oak.s3connector/But it is resulting in the error shown below Can anyone please let me know whether repo is down ?
Hello All,I had the same question as [1] , and from the response to that and a very good article regarding this topic at [2] , makes me conclude that for AEM as a cloud service using AEM community Sites without support may not be feasible and wise. So based on this fact my actual question here is -H...
A project I am working on was set up to use the aem-sass-compiler for runtime processing of SCSS files. I think I am the only one experiencing this issue. It seems to work for other developers and on the dev, QA, stage, and production servers. My system is running Windows 10 with up to date patches....
Hi, We need to create a tagfield in a page(Not in dialog) which can accept multiple tags using coral UI 3. As of now we are using only a pathbrowser which allow only single selection of value. We want the users to choose/delete the tags. We need a functionality similar to the provided screenshot in ...
Hello Folks,I am looking for recommendations/best practices around maintaining the "Editable Templates". Specifically, on the following two points A) When authors create new editable templates on Production Author, what's the best way to bring the newly created editable templates to the lower enviro...
Hello, I've got a request for minify css and javascript files on an AEM6.4 instance. My research in the Internet gave me following sources: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-16544.html?lang=us-enhttps://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/de...
I am following this link -https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/project-archetype/project-setup.html?lang=en Can anyone tell what could be the reason AEM version - 6.5 Archtype = 26