Hi All,We are currently running the AEM on-premises on local VMs.Recently we have heard from colleagues at different higher-education institutions, who have had their Adobe support renewals denied for on-premises installs.Adobe has stated that its stance is that on-premises installs are no longer be...
Hi I have a master page(/content/demo/en/contact) and we having 40plus live copies for it/content/demo/en/contact/content/demo/de/contact/content/demo/fr/contact We have changed path of en master as contact-us(/content/demo/en/contact-us) but on live copies the path is /content/demo/ar/contact its n...
Hello.I would like to know if AEM comes with a in built key store? Is there a documentation on this to support this. I could not find any.If it does I would appreciate to point me to the documentation this
hi all, we have a restriction wherein we cannot run the aem workflow migration tool due to security constraints for aio npm plugins.Reffered Asset Workflow Migration Tool | Adobe Experience Manager What is the alternate way to do so? BPA has flagged issues related to the workflow launchers being ena...
question 1: Do I need to customize the resourceTypes to include my custom ones? Or is the default value already there enough to cover all pages whose a descendent of "wcm/foundation/components/basicpage/v1/basicpage"? example: my editable template has a resourceSuperType of "core/wcm/components/page...
Hi all, Currently have the OOTB sitemap generator set up via Apache Sitemap Generator but noticed the xml is formatting in plain text on the page. The sitemap does pass validation.Despite this, there is a need for us to fix the formatting to a proper xml page and wanted to see if there were possibly...
as above. I was looking at the compatibility page (https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/pages/compatibility.html) and it only mentioned 6.x.x as being compatible. nothing about doing regular updates. I only want to use redirect manager. Thanks
Hi Everyone, I have to create a Title Component by extending the OOTB Title Component, additionally i have to add 2 extra fields into that1) linkTitleAttribute2) linkAccessibilityLabelI am not able to implement this use case by extending the core Title component. Kindly help
Hi Team I am creating a CF using content fragment import.My CF is multifiled and with proper excel sheet I am able to create multiple records within content fragment. However my requirement is to upload data to different variations of CF. I have try to change my excel but some how everytime data is ...