Hi All,I want to include a code snippet inside the head tag in head.jsp for a third party integration.But the code snippet has a unique code for each of the environments. How can I implement this?
Team - I have completed setting aem author, aem publisher and dispatcher module in apache in mac. I have added below below config in httpd.conf and have setup disatcher.any file. It works fine perfectly. LoadModule dispatcher_module /private/libexec/apache2/mod_dispatcher.so "Ezhilarasu R’s CA" <...
Hello Team, We are setting up AEM Author Cold Standby with SSL and attempting to configure the certificates. However, we're encountering the following error:"File does not contain valid certificates: D:\aem-author-sit2-2024\certificate.crt"This is the certificate referenced in the chain certificate ...
I have following AEM query to get such shops which has closing date greater than current date and it works fine. path=/content/data/shops type=nt:unstructured group.p.or=true group.1_daterange.property=closingDate group.1_daterange.lowerBound=2024-10-27T00:00:00 But there is possibility that clos...
Hello, Client website has preview configured and before going on Prod we are testing on preview, so we have login module and once we logged in it automatically navigating to prod content. May I know where we can check preview configuration, because we don't have any preview runmodes available as we...
I want to create a 50 cloud manager variables., I know how to create a cloud manager variable manually (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/using-cloud-manager/manage-environments) I am looking for two things:Creating 50+ variables manuall...
Hi Team, Could you please confirm if we can use Dynamic Media Videos on Localhost? We are trying to use it on our localhost and it doesn't work. So just wanted to confirm if it works or Adobe doesnt allow it. Thanks,Nitin
Hi, I try to run the WKND tutorial on aem 6.5.18.While running http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/wknd/us/en.html, I am getting the below error:Compilation errors in org/apache/sling/scripting/sightly/apps/core/wcm/components/page/v3/page/page_html.java: Line 46, column 1990 : com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.c...