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How to deploy aem cloud dispatcher code into local apache?


Level 9

Team - I have completed setting aem author, aem publisher and dispatcher module in apache in mac. I have added below below config in httpd.conf and have setup disatcher.any file. It works fine perfectly. 



LoadModule dispatcher_module /private/libexec/apache2/mod_dispatcher.so "Ezhilarasu R’s CA"

<IfModule disp_apache2.c>

    # location of the configuration file. eg: 'conf/dispatcher.any'
    DispatcherConfig /private/etc/apache2/conf/dispatcher.any

    # With version 4.3.3 and later, dispatcher log messages can be directed
    # to Apache's standard error log, alongside messages from other modules

    DispatcherLog /private/var/log/apache2/dispatcher.log
    DispatcherLogLevel debug

    # Directives DispatcherLog and DispatcherLogLevel are still available
    # but using standard Apache directives (e.g. LogLevel) follows the
    # paradigm of common Apache modules:
    LogLevel dispatcher:debug

    # For better monitoring/analysis, create a custom log format for dispatcher
    # requests, similar to AEM's request.log
    LogFormat "%t \"%m %{dispatcher:uri}e%q %H\" %{dispatcher:status}e %{dispatcher:cache}e [%{dispatcher:backend}e] %{ms}Tms" dispatcher
    CustomLog "/private/var/log/apache2/dispatcher.log" dispatcher "expr=%{HANDLER} == 'dispatcher-handler'"

    # if turned on, request to / are not handled by the dispatcher
    # use the mod_alias then for the correct mapping
    DispatcherDeclineRoot Off

    # if turned on, the dispatcher uses the URL already processed
    # by handlers preceeding the dispatcher (i.e. mod_rewrite)
    # instead of the original one passed to the web server.
    DispatcherUseProcessedURL On

    # if turned to 1, the dispatcher does not spool an error
    # response to the client (where the status code is greater
    # or equal than 400), but passes the status code to
    # Apache, which e.g. allows an ErrorDocument directive
    # to process such a status code.
    # Additionally, one can specify the status code ranges that should
    # be left to web server to handle, e.g.
    # DispatcherPassError 400-404,501
    DispatcherPassError 0

    # DispatcherKeepAliveTimeout specifies the number of seconds a
    # connection to a backend should be kept alive. If not set or
    # set to zero, connections are not kept alive.
    #DispatcherKeepAliveTimeout 60

    # DispatcherSSINoCache specifies whether not to cache SSI included file. 
    # If set to Off, the included files are cached, otherwise, they are not cached.
    # In a highly concurrent environment, a cached SSI included file might get
    # deleted at the same time it is about to get delivered, which results in
    # malformed responses. If you encounter such issues, it is best to turn
    # this option to On.
    #DispatcherSSINoCache Off

    # DispatcherRestrictUncacheableContent specifies whether to remove cache control headers 
    # which helps in client caching or not. If set to on, the cache control headers 
    # are removed for uncacheable content, otherwise, not.
    DispatcherRestrictUncacheableContent Off

<Directory />
    <IfModule disp_apache2.c>
        ModMimeUsePathInfo on
        SetHandler dispatcher-handler
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None



But in cloud project I want to deploy config.d and conf.dispatcher.d folder in apache. Is there any option available ?




I am referring to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/cloud-service/local-development-.... which explains how to run the dispatcher locally using Docker. Should I revert my existing HTTPD setup and follow the instructions provided in the guide?

Additionally, I followed the steps in the document and ran the following command:



sh docker_run_hot_reload.sh /Users/xx/disp/dispatcher-sdk-2.0.226/src http://localhost:4503 8080


 It ran certain command and ended up with "Waiting until http is available" and it never goes after this command



opt-in USE_SOURCES_DIRECTLY marker file detected
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/05-display-image-version.sh
Image version: 2.0.226
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/10-check-environment.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/15-check-pod-name.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/20-create-docroots.sh
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/25-create-multipurpose-temp-files.sh
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_0=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-0
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_1=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-1
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_2=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-2
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_3=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-3
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_4=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-4
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_5=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-5
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_6=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-6
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_7=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-7
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_8=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-8
Creating Apache multipurpose temp file APACHE_MULTIPURPOSE_TEMP_FILE_9=/tmp/apache-multipurpose-temp-file-9
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/30-wait-for-backend.sh
Waiting until http is available



If I start apache manually by "sudo apachectl start" I can access my aem pages using http://localhost:8080/content/xxx/test.html. But it is not working with docker command ? any idea how to fix this issue?

2 Replies


Level 4

You can try reverting the changes made to your local httpd and stopping Apache manually before running the docker command to start the dispatcher. 

Additionally when running the docker_run.sh file, try using the command /bin/docker_run.sh ./src host.docker.internal:4503 8080 instead of localhost. Refer to this blog for more details -https://medium.com/@bhargava.shalki/how-to-setup-dispatcher-for-aem-cloud-on-local-mac-os-9d8246704d52