When I download the latest cloud sdk from software distribution I could see the Graphiql Editor under General tab but when I am looking for the same on cloud author instance I am unable to find the same. I have updated the author instance to latest update available( release ID mentioned below)My Aut...
AEM 6.5 editor.html files are loading blank pages.http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/wknd/us/en/adventures/riverside-camping-australia.html and also I don't see any console error.Please help I am struggling with this issue for a week now.
Currently using the AEM Version 6.5.9. Getting the below errors in the error.log file.03.06.2022 16:13:23.960 *ERROR* [qtp648412831-113503] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://44de4a78-cea3-4d70-ab27-678a8a736541_361.1:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.day.cq.mailer.oauth.im...
Hi, I am developing an AEM project for the Adobe Brand Portal. Since we do not have a publisher instance I have removed the dispatcher module. But the cloud manager pipeline fails at the "Build & Unit Testing" stage. I see the following error in the build log. Is there a way to configure the pipelin...
Hi, I am trying to run a maven project. But it throws the below error. I have tried many ways like changed the node verstion, installed new/updated node then ran npm install under ui.frontend but nothing works out. Can anyone tell me the solution for this ?
Good morning,on Aem I have a web portal with the following structure: - my-project- my-project/en- my-project/en/page1- my-project/en/page1/sub-page1- my-project/en/page2- my-project/en/page2/sub-page2 how can I remove the cache from the Dispatcher of the whole "web portal" and of the "clientlibs" b...