Hi All,Facing an issue for defaultvalue in textfield inside multfield for touch dialog. While authoring, I have removed the default value from dialog and saved it. In content the value is not present which is correct. Again when I reopen the dialog the defaultvalue in dialog is coming .Ideally it sh...
My parent component has cq:isContainer set to true and has a childeditor field in it. I am able to select components from my allowed component list. But im unable to reoder them in the crxde or even in the parent component dialog.
Hi All,We are migrating our existing datastore (OOTB) to AWS S3 data store. We followed the official documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/deploying/deploying/data-store-config.html?lang=en and the migration steps https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experien...
How can we migrate template/component level policies from one environment to other. Is there any particular way as compared to migrating other .xml files or is it same? Any lead is highly appreciated. PS : Many interviewers are asking this question these days.
Hi,I'm new to... everything here and just wondering if someone could tell me how I can run a query to show me all the published pages down a path. I tried below but I'm not sure im doing it right:path=/content/workplace-micrositestype=cq:pageproperty=cq:lastReplicationActionproperty.value=Activatep....
Hi, I am looking to create dummy resource with a resourceType (text), valuemap properties and not to create any real jcr data/nodes. In sightly html get the dummy resource using "data-sly-resource" tag and render it. Thanks for all the help. Usecase: retrieve content fragments elements and h...
HI Team I have a 1500+ PDF's under "/content/dam/project/en" and those pdf has below properties. 1. title (String ) 2. tags (value might be String[] -- tags can be multiple) 3. id (String) 4. category (String[] - value can be one or multiple ) 5. doc type (String[] - value can be one or multipl...
I am seeing below warnings while aem 6.5.13 start up and pages go blank after several hours use. I would restart AEM, and pages work fine. thing is, I could not see any errors in project, error log files. Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release 06.10.2022 09:12...
Where is /etc/map on my local publishing instance? AEM Cloud / 6.5 I am trying to set up these routing rules and behavior: No HTML extensionsRemove content pathing from URLSingle domain (for now), language in URL as a folder. Ideally if we go multi-domain, I want links across sites to canonicali...
My content fragment looks like: And I am trying to add a content fragment to one of my asset folders like this: POST `https://<HOST>.adobeaemcloud.com/api/assets/rallyhealth/ichabod/en/dev-migrations/test-cfx.json` BODY: { "properties": { "description": "This is a Mutation Example", ...