Hi all, I am preparing a list of Content Migration Tools to AEM along with the usage conditions like limitations. 1. CQ to AEM: crx2oak: What are its limitations? 2. AEM On Prem to AEMaaCS: AEM Content Migration Tool. What are its limitations? 3. vlt tool: What are its limitations? 4. AEM Package ...
We are observing the following issues after upgrading to the latest cloud release version 2022.12.10488.20221222T085327Z All the custom user group permissions are revoked and the user is now not able to edit any content. There is no change in permission but still the issue exists.<span> tags are get...
Dear community, I was trying to deploy the custom login page but the page only load login.jsp without the clientlib. I've checked that: 1. Clientlib "categories" property was modified 2. Paths were modified in "apps/granite/core/components/login/login.jsp" 3. Requirement was added in Apache Sli...
My local Start page is rendering like this (see screenshot below). It seemed to have happened after pulling from master, creating new local branch, and checking out local branch, which is something I do routinely. Any ideas on what happened and what I could check? These are the errors I'm getting: R...
Seeing this issue across both development and stage on our AEM instances, while working in Touch UI over this last week: "The issue is that periodically ALL components will have their edit options removed, just leaving the Insert and Group options." (Same issues as this thread and this thre...
Hi, I am on 6.5.12 version of AEM, noticed that using tagid as A, results in unclosed resource resolver and using B works fine . But using B means i will have to add the like operation to it. Tried this using Querybuilder OOTBQuestion-1. Is there an alternate way to achieve subtags retrieval if p...
What is the preferred structure to handle locale specific content fragments in DAM?Say I have this folder structure /content/dam/my-site/en/cf And I have 2 locales JapaneseFrench Would my structure be like/content/dam/my-site/en/cf /content/dam/my-site/ja/cf /content/dam/my-site/fr-ca/cf Is th...
Say for example, I have an experience fragment for /content/experience-fragments/my-site/en/subscription-box/master I have 2 custom languages /content/my-site/en /content/my-site/fr-ca /content/my-site/ja Am I going to make locale structure (for fr-ca and ja) in the variations, or will I need to...
I have an image in /content/my-site/en/photo.jpg I have metadata for Japanese and French. When I roll out a page, how would I access the description and title for the Japanese and French values for my given component so it can be rendered as expected for. /content/my-site/en/about.html /conten...