I understand whenever someone is making a GraphQL query request to AEM, the publishers will be hit with some load time. What happens if someone decides to spam the GraphQL query request? is there a secure way to safeguard the GraphQL query request from being spammed? How about caching? How does AE...
Hi All, I am trying to setup Adobe I/O CLI and Cloud Manager Plugin in my local system with the below command npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli - Installed successfully and able to run aio commands. but I am getting below error for cloud manager plugin installation Command - aio plugins:install @ad...
I have been trying to validate the overlays for the latest service package , but I get a timeout error message almost instantly despite setting the config to a longer time (I tried both 600 seconds and 3600). Any idea why this might happen? Possible fixes? Error message in crx/de is below....
Hi all, Is there a better way to debug unclosed resource resolver or session objects ? i could look at JMX and sessionstatistics and perhaps session count but is there a way to identify for an object there what created it and are there unclosed session objects or resource resolvers? i see nothing in...
I have a requirement that there is a 2 Clientlibs: 1)clientlibA ->clientlibA.js 2)clientlibB ->clientlibB.js clientlibA.js (function ($, $document, gAuthor) { "use strict"; var sampleText="sample-text-1"; })($, $(document), Granite.author); How can i access sampleText variable in clientlibB.js ...
let's say you develop a component to display some images based on a category field. This gets deployed to your 5 cloud environments (dev, test, UAT, stage, prod etc). On production and UAT the Content Authors add this component to various pages, and set the category values. You now develop a ne...
Dear fellows, We're using AEM 6.5.5 I was trying to set password policy as community members suggested: using Apache Jackrabbit Oak Authorizable ActionProvider https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/aem-user-password-policy/m-p/366035 http://www.sgaemsolutio...
Hi, I tried using "Activate Page" process in process step but i was not able to activate any of the child page of parent page. I want that When i select parent pages along with parent page its child page should also get activated(Published). I see that Activate Page process is not working at all f...