We are running AEM on-premise and we are attempting to utilize the SAML 2.0 Auth Handler.I've gone through the steps in this article a few times, but cannot get a request to hit the handler and redirect to the IDP.Any request made to the AEM Author VM goes to the local granite authenticati...
Hi There, I am including text component using slightly in for loop<div class="cmp-logo__item" v-if="logoList.length" v-for="(logo, index) in logoList"> <div class="testclass" data-sly-resource="${'title' @resourceType='constellar-core/components/title'}"></div></div> but when text component render o...
Hi We would like to use a provided design system in our AEM components like the spectrum Design System of Adobe (https://opensource.adobe.com/spectrum-web-components/).I achieved to include webcomponents via a CDN (example include Ioinic webcomponent with properties from the dialog) <script src="htt...
According to the article [link], "Persisted queries are recommended as they can be cached at the Dispatcher and Content Delivery Network (CDN) layers", but I am struggling to find information on how to configure the Dispatcher cache in this article. I have tried to follow [this] add allow rules in t...
After installing the AEM service pack, the error occurs as:Could you please reply if anyone faces the same issue when upgrading AEM 6.5.15 or 6.5.16 package. Error log: [FelixDispatchQueue] org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.ds FrameworkEvent ERROR (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Una...
I'm trying to create an editable template that contains just the core tab component with 2 tabs that are pre-defined by the template authors. I don't want the page authors to be able to change the title or add/remove tabs but they should be able to add content to them. This is what I tried which I t...
Hey All, I have a unique issue. Let me give you an example: Parent Pom:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><project xmlns="https://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.company.aem</grou...
Hi all,Adobe documentaion is stating that use Adobe IO runtime+ Graph QL to configure third party API endpoints and filterout response data and expose GRAPH QL API's to AEM components to call vai React/Angular( Ajax), But there is no option to download Adobe IO runtime for local AEM 6.5 instance to ...
Hi Community, I've noticed when using timeline viewer to compare content changes via Timeline to an earlier version, the side-by-side pagediff is not highlighting the copy changes between current and the selected version even though I can see the copy additions in the side-by-side view. Is this the ...