Usecase: image, some custom elements, cf paths and a CTA/button. I created two components one by super typing image v2, another by super typing with teaser v2. Now I am trying to include button component inside above two components, so author can reuse existing button component <div data-sly-resou...
Hi all, We have observed thousands of WARNs in error log with following patterns. Has anyone observed these kind of warnings if so could you please advise how to get rid of these warnings? No component node found at /apps/granite/ui/compon...
While creating a custom component, giving tabs widget from Coral and Granite UI , the tabs title is not rendering on page.Kindly Help me clear my doubt!!!@arunpatidar <content jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/fixedcolumns"><items jcr:prima...
Hello, I'm trying to look for a solution where we want to define CSS, and JS that's common across the app. Here's the architecture of our application. We are a multi-tenant app and have different teams developing their own AEM apps but we have quite a few components that are common across the applic...
Hello, We have a requirement where we need to set some attributes to the session object through out the user journey and finally, we need to read the session attribute names and will read each attribute name. Can someone suggest how I can mock these values: Here is the sample code:Fields fields= new...
Hi I have a requirement where I want to render a component/page programatically. Something similar like If I give the path , I should be able get the...
We have a require to do some operations on the copied component. So for that we have written a listener(aftercopy event).Using aftercopy property after copying and pasting the component we are able to capture only the source component path only and not the copied component path. Can you please help ...
Hello, good afternoon. We are having a particular problem. We are in the Stage environment, we want it to load some content fragments through GraphQL but in Author it works and in Publish it doesn't. We have tried to publish everything, Endpoints, Content Models, Queries, Fragments, absolutely every...
We have 2 samsung android tablets.When we read a pdf with the free reader,It keeps quickly going to another page many pages away.Different pages each time.Any ideas?And please tell adobe website folks, i kept getting 403s Thanks fellow sufferers!