Hi all,I updated my pom.xml with the latest aem-sdk version:<aem.sdk.api>2023.4.11873.20230421T153841Z-230200</aem.sdk.api>and my custom bundle does not start anymoreI am getting the following errors on system/console/bundles Imported Packagescom.adobe.aem.wcm.seo.sitemap,version=[1.1,2) from com.ad...
I am looking at below code to reuse on one of the component to export child nodes/components as json.@notnull @Override public Map<String, ? extends ComponentExporter> getExportedItems() { if (childModels == null) { childModels = getChildModels(request, ComponentExporter.class); } return...
Hi,is there any documentation in creating scrolling container, horizontal scroll where we can add any no of other component inside it let me know Thanks!
Hi Team,I have one requirement if someone is hitting the domain it should redirect to plp.html without showing the URL in the browser for redirection, I have added this rule RewriteRule ^/$ /content/whatsappsim/de/de/plp.html [PT,L]with this, I am able to redirect but I don't want to show the plp...
I have a project with multiple brands. I need to do project analysis to get below component details for all the available components. 1. Component Name2. Component Version3. Is it a global component or brand specific4. Particular Brand in which the component is being used if it is brand specificAlso...
Team, I need to make a service call for every workflow approve and reject actions. Is there any way to capture Approve and Reject actions of workflow. OR else JS is also fine.
When I use data-sly-set to store an intermediate variable, It is throwing the error while compiling in Intellij data-sly-set: None of the registered plugins can handle the data-sly-set block element. However, the same is working, If I use it directly in the crxde. What could be the reason? any thoug...
I am facing an issue while importing dependencies in my project. I need to import itextpdf dependency to use pdfWriter and I am trying to use version. I am using AEM as a cloud Service SDK platform. The error logs are as below : Attached are the screenshots of the dependencies added in the...
We are trying to customize the email template that triggers on workflow notifications, there are few issues that we have observed:The default email template that triggers on workflow notification is at - /libs/settings/workflow/notification/email/default/en.txt. When we try to overlay it in apps - /...