Hi Everyone, ContextHub segment js /conf/../settings/wcm/segments/segment.seg.js is throwing 404 in publish. Working fine on author. /conf/../settings/wcm/segments/segment is published and path is available in publishAllowed /conf path with seg selector and js extension from dispatcher/0090 { /type ...
Dear team, For one of the AEM 6.5.16 environment with nosamplecontent, we have applied deny permissions to any of the workflow models based on the instructions mentioned in the documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/workflows-managing.ht...
Hi,I have been trying to use the placeholder that has been uced in core components. Like using data sly call of templates.html in core and making use of it as place holder. But I am not able to apply my css styles by adding the custom css class as given in that templates.htmlThe current look is defa...
Hello experts,As the title says, I want to use value of one or more fields in component's dialog box in my components JS file without using it in HTML & run some logic. Is it possible to do so, if yes please share me the reference or hint to accomplish the same. I'm using AEM 6.5.Regards,sesmic
Hello Team, In my AEM component, Author can add 2 Video URL(DAM path) for desktop version, mobile version. Then I am displaying the video as mentioned below. Front end developer is hiding the video class based on some condition. Still, during the page load, 2 video's are loading in browser, resultin...
We have a site siteA.com and when someone tries to access siteA.com/content/siteA/us/en/page1.html, it should redirect them to siteA.com/page1.html hiding the content path /content/siteA/us/en/* . We need to add redirect rule so all traffic trying to access /content/siteA/us/en/* should go through m...
I want to get page read duration time for aem pages. I am planning to get the total number of words on the page and divide them by 240 to get an approximate page read time. Planning to consider image and video read time, for image it is 7S and for video it is 40s.I am looking for a solution to get n...
Hi,we are having Repository Initializer from Sling to perform some initial setup of eg paths and permissions: This is how I have {"scripts": ["create path (sling:Folder) /content/dam/brands/ceccatocluster","create path (nt:unstructured) /content/dam/brands/ceccatocluster/jcr:content","create path (c...
I'm using AEM 6.5. I'm using editable templates to configure the initial load of the list of mandatory components inside a form container in the page. But when I try to reorder the components once the page is loaded. I'm not able to drag or reorder between these components.Moreover, there are cq:edi...
Hi All,Some time ago, we started using Repository Initializer from Sling to perform some initial setup of eg paths and permissions:https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/repository-initialization.html What we're seeing is that these frequently give issues on a server restart, also in UAT / P...