We have two components:Book Component (sling:resourceSuperType="xyz/components/image")Book Listing Component In Book Component Model Implementation, init method we are using Modal Factory to get image model. "image = modelFactory.getModelFromWrappedRequest(request, request.getResource(), Image.class...
Hi All, Logger statements are printed twice but the code executes only once. Any idea on this? I verified in local Windows stand-alone and Cloudfront servers that also same issue logger statements are printing 2 times. AEM: Regards,Shyam
Hi,I have a requirement to query results and paginate them based on search criteria. but i don't find pagination component in AEM 6.5. How should I implement it. Best regards!
Hello, I am using AEM as cloud service, and trying to optimize my image delivery following this doc. I know that we can enable the .webp format for the Image component below. However, I also have images as background image in my Container component, and these images are not optimized. They does no...
Hi All,As part of a POC of AEM Core components, I came across documents stating that we cannot directly use the AEM Core components on static templates and should use editable templates.However, can we use the the proxy components created using these AEM Core components on static templates?Are there...
Hi experts! We wonder if Permission Hardening Package (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/security/security-checklist.html?lang=en#anonymous-perm[…]dening-package ) is also for Cloud service?As this recommended solution is published on AEM 6.5 page, so we wou...