Hi Team, I have dependency with a third party maven java library where in order to use that library we need a license. I received license from that third party vendor (thirdPartyLicense.lic). Now how can I include/use this third party library license in my AEM project? @lukasz-m @kautuk_sahni lets...
Hi All, What is the better approach to create a Servelet.ResoureType or Path Based. As per documentation it is ResourceType only. But sometimes it happens that it exposes the internal Structure of AEM may be Content Structure or Component Structure.It is ok to expose the internal Structure of AEM fo...
What's the tool to generate PDF files from Adobe Output Designer template files (.ifd). I would prefer an on-prem version. Today we have "jfmerge" binary, but as I see this is no more available. I'm looking for Linux RHEL 7 compatibility
Hello, In our project we are using the GraphQL solution to obtain information from Content Fragments and render it through React components.We have created a series of persistedQueries to retrieve the information and everything works as indicated in the documentation, but we have encountered a small...
Hello all, We want to replace AEM OOTB lucene index with remote solr, leverage it for all OOTB functionalities as the data we have in AEM is too high, AEM OOTB index data itself is going out of bounds and breaking. We dont find any documentation aroung it, like how exactly to disable OOTB indexe...
Hi Team, I do follow the post https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-whitelist-ip-through-aem-dispatcher-aem-community-blog/m-p/445937#M32298 but we have a use case where location (like /content/abc) is also required along with IP address to whitelist. May b...
Examples:If I'm running 6.5.17 (assuming I started on 6.5.0 and immediately upgraded to 6.5.17), should I also use my uber-jar to 6.5.17?If I running 6.5.15 and upgraded to 6.5.17, should I update my uber-jar as well?Are there release notes for uber-jar updates? I tried finding one and no luck there...
É possível hospedar páginas no AEM? Digo, tenho diversas landings hospedadas no Sharepoint e não gostaria de ter de refazê-las, eu gostaria de baixar os arquivos de HTML, CSS, JS e imagens/arquivos do Sharepoint, e colocá-los no AEM. É possível fazer isso de alguma forma? Obrigada!