Hi,I have project specific i18N values under /apps/<project>/i18n.in the html I am able to access it using the syntax ${'i18nKey' @ i18n}but I am stuck on how to get it in JavaScript.
Hello dudes , How i can create search component, that have search option like "keyword", "fromdate","todate", "multiple category(i mean author, article type)" and "sort by".could you please help me do this... Thanks!, Devakrishna
hi, i need to get and use color in my page, so for that i added xtype for cq:widget as colorfield, its working fine, but if i give colormenu as a xtype, nothing displayed in dialog box, can anyone help me to solve this.
I am trying to use "Hidden Field" in AEM Forms , but when I drop the hidden fields in to my forms area this field is not visible . My understanding is during design of Page I should be able to see the hidden fields and set name, id and values but there is no option I can find. Please advice how to u...
QueryBuilder APi list all the pages as a search results if it finds the keyword atleast once in the Search criteria in the Page content.But if we need to search for twice occurance in the page content, How to get the keyword search result count to find how many times the keyword exist in the page c...
Hi,I need to download stanalone.jar for AEM 6.0, previously I used to get it from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/jackrabbit/2.8.0/jackrabbit-standalone-2.8.0.jarBut, this jar is for AEM5.6.1. Can you please let me know, from where I can get this jar for AEM 6.0? Regards,Kaustav Majoomder
I see a new AEM Communities created in Experience Manager, there are 6 sub communities under that. Are we planning on organizing the structure of AEM Communities Group?Any guidelines from the moderator?
Hello everyone,I've already looked for it in a lot of places, but I couldn't find a tutorial or guiding page about creating a user register page on my site and then the login mechanism with that information.Let me clarify: I want to create a website that can only be viewed by logged users and in thi...
Hi All,A simple question for AEM new learner...I write a java class and wrap it into a .jar file, but, in AEM (or CQ), where should I put (or other action) this .jar file, so that I can import/reference it in my own JSP?
Our build jobs are unhappy that some dependencies have gone missing from Adobe Nexus.Do we need to update some dependencies? We find it strange that artifacts can disappear from Nexus.Included maven dependency reportIncluded maven dependency:tree ✘ kresten@localhost ~ cat deps| grep unable -i[WA...