Hi , I read the integrating the site catalyst with cq5 for both CQ 5.4 and 5.6 AEM.Its having lots of difference.Please clear my confusion and help me to integrate site catalyst with cq5.4.Please let me know the difference between these two versions.Thanks in advane
Hi,How to set the property for single value string array data type using java in AEM.--------------------------------------------------------eg: AEM PropertiesName:colorType:String[]Value: ["yellow"]-------------------------------------------------------Java code:content.setProperty(paraname, param...
Hi,I am facing some issues with the MailService (com.day.cq.mailer.MailService), while sending a simple SMTP HtmlEmail via Java Servlet (OSGI Bundle).MailService has been referenced and bound as accordingly; however, it throws me with a java.lang.NullPointerException error at the point when I try to...
Hi,In my dialog I have a custom multifield and with the custom multifield i am having rte plug in and with that rte plugin, we can't able to delete the filed. The exact issue is we can able to delete the field but "ok" button is not working and we are getting some js error. Please help me out as ea...
I've created a event using foundation event component (/libs/collab/calendar/components/event) and set the required values. But if I try to download the event ICS file then it's throwing following exception:com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMDebugFilter Exception: null java.lang.NullPointerException at ...
Hello,I am looking at com.day.cq.workflow.impl.email.EMailNotificationService, and i want on complete of task, the workflow complete notifications to be sent to users from an email address keyed in on the "Day CQ Workflow Email Notification Service" and not from the from.address set in "Day CQ Mail ...
Is there a way to delay activating the page to Publish environment after the Approver approves the content. I know that there is a 'Activate later' step to initiate the WF after a certain date. but this will only initiate the WF on that specified date. but i want a way where i can start the WF today...