I'm writing a servlet to take a file and store it into the DAM and perform some processing. I've setup permissions on a folder in the DAM to deny modify, create and delete access for the "author" user. When i use Postman to submit the file, i sent across the author authentication - but the file st...
Team, I’m using the text component on the below page. Suddenly, the text component on the below page does not allow edits. Thoughts? http://chl-author.corp.adobe.com/content/help/en/dmacc-internal/quick-start/homepage.html
Can we customize the "List" component to add the "cq:lastReplicated" in the orderby dropdown. Tried by adding "cq:lastReplicated" in the dropdown value, but its not sorting. Can u please help.
Hi,I have created a framework for Analytics now i want to use that framework for every page which is created using X template. I did a cqinclude for cloudServices dialog and cloudservice tab staring appearing on all the pages. I now want that value within that dialog should auto populate the framewo...
Is there any way to enter Design mode or create a Design Dialog in Touch UI?I can only see the cq:dialog nodes. Even the new OOTB components under /libs/wcm/foundation/components use a design_dialog nodeIs this on the roadmap for a future release?Thanks
We have a custom component that reads the data from the JCR. User if logged on to CQ can then add/remove items from that component. Just think of it in terms of imageText component and user if logged on can add multiple images. Once they add images we have to show them on the page without having to ...
We're having a hard time finding the cause of a strange problem. After we have enabled SSL on our publish instance, the error handler is page for 404s is behaving in a weird fashion: the JSP is receiving the original request, but the protocol is "httpss" (yes, another 'S', this is not a typo)Have y...
On a publish server, is there any Sling event you can listen to for receiving replication data??The sling ReplicationAction only seems to fire on the source server (not the target).Thanks!