I think I have found a bug in the AEM6.0 Touch UI. Ive tested with the beta service Pack 1 (load 1.0)If you edit a page with two parsys (say a parsys and an iparsys) - example: Geometrixx Demo Site, where there are separate sets of allowed components for the parsys and iparsysYou can drag a compone...
01.09.2014 03:39:25.186 *ERROR* [ [1409567964188] GET /content/tinu/en.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.commons.classloader.impl.ClassLoaderFacade Dynamic class loader has already been deactivated.org.apache.sling.commons.classloader.impl.ClassLoaderFacade$StackTraceProbe: Dynamic class loader has al...
We have one requirement as follows- We want to set up a Content Change Notification on a page so that if user is interested in user can receive a notification when changes have been made to the content of that particular page.Please suggest me some approach on how to proceed.
I was trying to use the AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse and ran into this documentation http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/how-tos/ht-projects-maven.html#How-To Work with JSPs. I noticed that the set of dependencies provided here are not right and the project doesn't compile. I recommend ...
I'm writing a servlet to take a file and store it into the DAM and perform some processing. I've setup permissions on a folder in the DAM to deny modify, create and delete access for the "author" user. When i use Postman to submit the file, i sent across the author authentication - but the file st...
Team, I’m using the text component on the below page. Suddenly, the text component on the below page does not allow edits. Thoughts? http://chl-author.corp.adobe.com/content/help/en/dmacc-internal/quick-start/homepage.html
Can we customize the "List" component to add the "cq:lastReplicated" in the orderby dropdown. Tried by adding "cq:lastReplicated" in the dropdown value, but its not sorting. Can u please help.
Hi,I have created a framework for Analytics now i want to use that framework for every page which is created using X template. I did a cqinclude for cloudServices dialog and cloudservice tab staring appearing on all the pages. I now want that value within that dialog should auto populate the framewo...
Is there any way to enter Design mode or create a Design Dialog in Touch UI?I can only see the cq:dialog nodes. Even the new OOTB components under /libs/wcm/foundation/components use a design_dialog nodeIs this on the roadmap for a future release?Thanks