Thanks in advance for any info,We've been able to build an OSGI bundle for a SOLRJ jar and even get our classes using the SOLRJ classes to compile successfully. However, we were not able to actually use SOLJR during runtime due to missing dependencies. SOLRJ requires the list of following dependen...
Hi,I was looking at our log files and noticed the following Unable to read replication content stored in /var/replication/data/1a80cfd3-0179-4392-ba73-8c7775f51933/c8/c82e1905-9b6f-47b7-a36e-eae5410c2d18. Node is missing.As far ...
We are testing AEM 6.0( want to add new images to the existing Mixed Media Set testmixedmediaset002 (as PIC1).But when I click the edit button, I find that the former images and sets in the testmixedmediaset002 disappear (as PIC2). I Add new images into testmixedmediaset002, but it ...
I think i've found a bug with AEM6. I have a custom property on parent page named "clientName". Inside of my component class which extends WCMUse, i'm trying to utilize getInheritedProperties().get("clientName", String.class) to return the client name, however, the value is never found and a null ...
Hi All,Need pointers on how to implement Jersey REST services from within a CQ service. Is there a way to tell CQ that for urls like /rest/* go to Jersey servlet dispatchers so that all the methods annotated using Jersey annotation are called?Thanks in advance,Nitin
I need to change a lot of URLs for our support articles, since we are building basic structures and then copying the pages.I saw the section in regards to moving the page being the only way to change the URL, but I don't have the option to move any of our pages.
This may be fairly obvious, and I'm overlooking it, but how do you enable/activate a component to show up in the Components Tab in the side panel when you are in the author editor?
HyI want to hide Groups of Components inside the Sidekick for some users. For normal Users, some specific Groups of Components should not be visible. If the user is admin, then the groups should be visible. I found the following entry on the internet but im not sure if this could be the solution.htt...
We have component that makes jquery ajax call to load some json. This component is used in a teaser page. When I hit the teaser with teaser.html the ajax call happens and the json is rendered. But when this teaser is resolved via segmentation and when this loads the page then this ajax call does not...
Hi,I am accessing the AEM in publishing mode by running the jar file - cq5-publish-p4503.jarThe url I am using to access AEM is - http://localhost:4503/content/geometrixx-outdoors/en.htmlI want this to be configured as can this be acheiv...