Hi,Could you please let me know which is better to use performance wise: QueryBuilder APIs or SQL2?I understand QueryBuilder APIs internally converts to XPath queries, however would like to know which will perform better.Thanks,Souradeep
Hi there,when i use CXF to invoke remote webservice that support HTTPS protocol:07.04.2015 13:56:48.033 *INFO* [fe80:0:0:0:e041:4e24:9c99:e38%11 [1428386208033] GET /content/xxx/jcr_content.persist.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.CustomerServiceImpl xxx configure url: https://w113.xxxx.com:8443/xxx/aemS...
Hi,I have noticed when i upload an asset through coral UI only 6 assets get uploaded at a time and the moment one of six get completed upload for next starts. Can anyone please point me where this customization is done (file location)[img]CoralUI.png[/img]Regards !
We want to use a custom permission sensitive caching (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dispatcher/permissions-cache.html)Initial situation:We create our own custom authchecker servlet and configure the dispatcher to use this servlet to check the permissions. We do not use CUG because of the requiremen...
Hi All,When I use design dialog box, I make dialog content available at template level say Home Template. But if I want to use the same component on different template say landing template then how content in dialog box will be inherit ?Also, When I do internationalization, it's easy under content n...
Hi,I need to join a string array with whitespaces. I'm doing that this way:${item.tagNames @ join=' '}But when it is printing it this way in the HTML:tuna sushitypesIs there any way to do that?Thaks
I have a requirement of setting current logged in user's ID as value for a custom metadata field once I upload an asset in AEM DAM. eg. I logged in as admin,then "admin" need to be stored as value for a custom metadata field name "Owner'. How I can achieve it?Thanks LM
Hi,I am unable to access my author instance -felix console and am getting the following error while trying to access it. Please help me in resolving this.No resource foundCannot serve request to /system/console in /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jspRequest Progress:0 (2015-04-08 15:26:57) TIMER...
Hi All,We are getting the below errors07.04.2015 - ERROR - : Error during replication of ReplicationActionWhat could be the reason for this and what is to be done to fix the issue.Any thoughts on this will be helpful.