Hi there,There is a case for me: i need to persist application some data before JVM shutdown. So i program as below in OSGI bundle:protected void activate(ComponentContext ctx) { this.bundleContext = ctx.getBundleContext(); final Set<JobBean> jobs = CreateJobServlet.jobNames; jobs.addAll(getInProgre...
Hi, Can I download CQ5 trial? I found link at http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/getting_started/download_and_startworking.html but it require to access licensing.adobe.com .I've asked support, and they redirected me to this forum. Thanks!Yevhen
Hi,I have installed AEM 6.0 author and publish instances in tomcat app server. Whenever something is published, i want to send some key code to publish instance during the replication. Appreciated for any suggestion
Hi,Please help me on the following.How to add a framework(guice/spring) using listner or any other way in side cq5 for publishing a service ,so that outside world can consume that service .Any help on this will be greatfull .
I created component for image upload to DAM[img]Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 12.07.21 AM.png[/img], i used fileuploadfield xtype for upload option,I can select images and other files, but am getting value as fakepath.How i can fix this and any idea how i can retrive value from the dialog for fileupload...
HI I need to create new workflow, i never worked on workflow side.Please help me to provide step by step guide to create launcher, and how i can integrate.
Hi All,I have created aem project using "AEM Multimodule Project",when we create this project by default modules names are comes with xyz.ui.app,xyz.ui.content,xyz.core,etc.For my project i have modified the module names like xyz-ui,xyz-bundle then i imported project into eclipse.Now i see errors li...
I am investigating how we might use AEM to front our Ecommerce site. The key advantage I want to get out of this is that AEM allows the merchandisers to customise the look and feel of an ecommerce page without a full deploy of code etc if it is much more than a text change like we have now.I'm sort ...
Hi,We are trying to override the functionality of the sidekick preview button so as to allow the page to reload on preview. Presently we have done it via overriding the /libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp to explicitly add the property ' previewReload:"true" '. Is there some better approach to h...
Hi Guys, I am using AEM5.6.1 with social packge 1.4 installed. When i use com.adobe.cq.social.commons.Comment i am getting a warning saying the Comment class is deprecated.But the docs does not say something like that. Can someone please let me know if it is deprecated or not.