Hi Team, I'm trying to get used of Sling model exporter capability where http://localhost:4502/content/<prject>/en/page/jcr:content/parsys/component.model.json But I 'm getting an error saying Invalid recursion selector value 'model'.How I can get sorted this ? Note - Is this we can use only for co...
Hi, Need your thought on this: I have multifield dialog with rich text and I need to add some dynamic html attributes in anchor link: My thoughts: 1. I can add a component specific client lib with category "cq.authoring.dialog" and then on keyup event I can get the html string and add html attribu...
Hi All, I have one author and two publisher instances for my AEM setup. On publisher 1, error.log was increasing abruptly. When I checked logs, I found a lot of logs in error.log related to segment store - *ERROR* [async-index-update-async] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNotFoundExceptionL...
I have a page, where I wanted to add a vanity URL. After adding the vanity URL,In Author instance, When checked on <SERVER_URL>/libs/granite/dispatcher/content/vanityUrls.html - VanityUrl appears fine.In the Publish instance,When checked on <SERVER_URL>/libs/granite/dispatcher/content/vanityUrls.htm...
Hi Team, My site experiences slower page loads. SO I need to identify slow running requests. How I can get it done.I saw there are options in internet.a. Use rlog.jar with the following command $ java -jar ../opt/helpers/rlog.jar -n 10 requests.log to identify long running requests.b. Use proxy.jar ...
I have embedded a custom buttonCTA component in another component. But I am unable to apply style system to the embedded component. If I use buttonCTA stand alone I am able to select the different styles but not inside the embedded component.
I have completed setting up AEM/dispatcher and I am able to access the aem pages from dispatcher but the page is not cached. I got below error in log. cache-action for [/content/we-retail/us/en.html]: NONE. Is there any setting I should make it CREATE instead NONE [Wed Dec 20 21:55:59 2023] [D] ...
Dear Team, I am currently working on a project that involves various components, such as single article and multiple article components, each associated with specific client libraries. I am facing an issue while attempting to load the single article component multiple times on a single page. The cli...