Hi,I have created custom transport handler in AEM 6.0 by implementing Transporthandler@Component(immediate = true, metatype = false)@Service(TransportHandler.class)When i replicate something, my custom transport handler is not invoked. How can do I force CQ to use our custom TransportHandler impleme...
On this page: http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/author/page-authoring/managing-pages.html#Deleting%20a%20Page. There is a link to How to Restore Pages. This is supposedly the directions of restoring deleted author pages that are activated. The link goes to a publishing page with no relevant i...
Hi,I am trying to write JUnit testcases for one component using mockito and powermock frameworks.In that I am geeting nullpointer exception for getResourceResolver() method.My actual code is as belowSession session = null;session = getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);Node root = session.get...
Hi,I am working off an AEM 6.0 SP2 instance. I am attempting to run a consistency check with the root "/" and fix inconsistencies set to "true", and the response it displays immediately is (null).I cannot find any errors in any logs or anything that indicates an issue.Can someone please advise if m...
Hi Team,Using AEM6 Sp1 instance. Added few custom lines in /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/page/page.jsp.After that /projects.html is looking weird.All the options in left side is showing in elaborated mode. Once i reverted the changes , even then i can able to see the same weird page. Any H...
Hi,When I am trying to modify my search indexing configurations on my 5.4 instance, as mentioned in the following links: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/SearchIndexingConfig.html and http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/IndexingConfiguration.\ I found two index folders under the following...
Hi guys,I am creating/editing a package via package manager. There is a setting called "AC Handling" in the "Advanced" tab.What is the default behaviour of "AC Handling" if I don't select any item from the drop down list and leave it empty?Will the behaviour as Ignore/overwrite etc?Thanks
Hi All, I want to know the overall functionality of My Profile page on Geometrixx-outdoors site. Can anyone please explain how the workflow's are executed. Also want to know about how the resources are matched with the calling form? Regards,Sonal
Hi All, My html structure is as follows,<html> <head> <cq:includeClientLib css="my.categories" /> </head> <body> <!--Header Files--> <!--Navigation files--> <!--Main Body Starts here--> <!--Component that uses jQuery--> $(document).load(function(){ //do something }); <!--Footer part starts here ...