Hi I created a maven based project and then created a OSGI bundle and uploaded in the bundle section (Using AdobeCQ 5.6). I am able to access the services and print a simple "Hello Welcomet o OSGI World". When i am trying to implement .getBookList() method where it has to feth all the latest books...
Hi All,doubt in the report generationcan some one help me to get the value from the below node structure(screenshot) in the reports.IN the test node i have a property called "richtext". i tried multiple ways but cannot get the value in the test node. but i am able to get the value in the jcr:conten...
Hi All,I want to create a custom report something like OOTB component report of AEM. I was thinking of what logic I should implement to get all data related to the report. One simplest way would be to use NodeIterator and traverse through node and read related property, but i feel this would be real...
I am new with CQ5 and was trying the steps given "How to Create a Fully Featured Internet Website" (http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/howto/website.html). I have two issues -1.I have uploaded the "website-1.0" package and I can see the output in author environment but the top navigation image is...
In my custom authentication handler I'm trying to authenticate user without knowing his password using third party user directory. I can\t store users password inside the CQ so I need a way to pass user through the stack knowing just his name/id.I used to handle those kind of problems with trust_cre...
Here is the issue i am facing.I created one CQ page called home with home template. allowedPaths of this template is "/content/app-name(/.*)?". This template is rendering the content properly. There is no issue at this situations. But when i create any child page under home(Parent page). The parent ...
This question was originally asked in a comment on the page http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/deploying/installing_cq.html#Installing and Starting Adobe Experience Manager as a Windows Service.But we are having the same trouble and there does not seem to be a solution.We have Author and Publish ...
Hi,Currently I am using CQ5.5 for our application and I have customized the search component as well.In our application this search functionality is working on digital assets and I have uploaded only pdf documents in DAM.Where I am searching the keyword "settlement" against a document, not getting t...
By default Apache Sling Referrer Filter will block all the post requests, if I remove POST from 'Filter Methods' from Apache Sling Referrer Filter it do allow, but i need specific URLS to be allowed not all the requests.Can some one please help me on this.
Hi, I've uploaded a .mp4 video to http://localhost:4502/etc/dam/video/firefoxhq.html and i received the following error:Error transcoding: input/jcr:content/jcr:data