Hi All, I am using CQ5.5 When i create a CQ page, jcr:created and cq:lastModified properties will be created in "/content/app-name/test/jcr:content" path.when we activate anything from author to publish then the published content node is modified and both last modified time-stamp and creation time-s...
I have created a form using CQ form component and capturing a few details of the user and storing them in CQ user node.Now my requirement is to display the fields captured above in the user edit settings form.Currently it is only displaying a few fields which are configured in CQ like Country,Phone ...
Hi, I have a sling servlet as below: @SlingServlet( label = "REST API", metatype = true, resourceTypes = {"sling/servlet/default"}, methods = {"GET"}, extensions = {"json"},) Can I call the servlet using below URL instead of /content/path.json?id=<category_id> /c...
HiWe are having problems getting any thing back from CQ when using a dispatcher & IIS7. The intention is to route requests from the route website on IIS to the CQ publishing instance. We have followed all the instructions on these pages:https://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/5-3/deploying/dispatcher.html#Mi...
Geometirx 's column control CSS provided is still not responsive design compatible..Justin I see you you have replied here.http://forums.adobe.com/message/4325209.It appears own custom css need to be applied for responsive design (column component) . any comment?Thanks Chandra
Hi All,I have created a GET path servlet in CQ, with /libs/xyz with url mapping? Now I want to make this publically available to the users coming to my publish server, so that they can hit the servlet without loggin.Currently When I try to access servlet using anonymous user I get redirected to geom...
Hi I created a maven based project and then created a OSGI bundle and uploaded in the bundle section (Using AdobeCQ 5.6). I am able to access the services and print a simple "Hello Welcomet o OSGI World". When i am trying to implement .getBookList() method where it has to feth all the latest books...
Hi All,doubt in the report generationcan some one help me to get the value from the below node structure(screenshot) in the reports.IN the test node i have a property called "richtext". i tried multiple ways but cannot get the value in the test node. but i am able to get the value in the jcr:conten...
Hi All,I want to create a custom report something like OOTB component report of AEM. I was thinking of what logic I should implement to get all data related to the report. One simplest way would be to use NodeIterator and traverse through node and read related property, but i feel this would be real...