I have referred https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/author/assets/managing-assets-touch-ui/drm.html#Asset and i am trying hard to figure out the options that is made available in 6.1 with the asset expiry1. I have Adobe CQ DAM Expiry Notification configured with send email check-box checked per...
We would like to use the Context Hub to manage personalization in our AEM Site. We’ve followed the documentation found at:https://docs.adobe.com/docs/ko/aem/6-1/develop/personalization/contexthub.html#Create a Context Hub Store CandidateThe default Context Hub contains many stores that we don’t use ...
Hi ,Could you please let us know how to develop multifield component and customized multifield component (having textfield and pathfield) for touch optimized UI. Thanks in advance.Vijaya Immadisetty.
I have requirement to create symbolic link of assets. For eg I want single image asset to be present in different folder. Does DAM support symbolic link of assets in folder.
About to start an assessment on specific search requirements that what we would get from AEM 6.x (6.0 and 6.1) search OOB. What I could gather so far is that all the features of Synonym, spell check, relevance / boosting, Highlighting etc..which were available in AE 5.6.1 is not available in AEM 6.0...
It seems to be a common issue in ecommerce or other types of website to create a web page dynamically for each user or store item. And each page uses unique uuid.html as url. How to achieve this in AEM? Please let me know if there are any samples or manuals which can help.Thanks and regards,Yy
We are using Day CQ Mail Service Configuration to send mails. I have referenced the configuration using the following code in my service impl.@Reference private MessageGatewayService messageGatewayService; @Reference private MessageGateway<HtmlEmail> messageGateway;We are supplying the configuration...
Hi Guys,Does anyone know why there has very huge data under /home/users/..../wcm/notification/inbox/....?What is user effected if I delete this data?See attachment.
Hi all,We have the following setup:AEM 6.1 author instance (factory with geometrixx outdoor example) -> "Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Communique/4.1.10" with default config for author (downloaded from documentation page and put in hostnames and port).The problem: when I try to retrieve th...
Hi all , we have our AEM project home page as smarter and underneath smarter.html we create all other website pages. Now using Apache .htaccess file using rewrite rules we need to remove /content/smarter from all the page URLs . For example if the default page url is smarter.com/content/smarter/art...