I am trying to create a live copy from a blueprint, The blueprint have few pages with sub pages.The live copy creation wizard doesn't allow me to exclude the sub pages from the parent pages. It only shows the parent page.Is there any way to achieve this?. or Is this feature supported in MSM?. I am u...
is there a way to somehow control ACL on 5.5 SP2 using cUrl? With the builtin functionalities it's close to imposisble to maintain rights for 80 groups and 300 authors. I'd like to set read, modify, create, delete, read acl, edit acl and replicate rights for LDAP groups in a convenient way. Anyone a...
I have 10,000 items data in database, and I want to migrate it into AEM 6.0. Can anyone please suggest me which is a best option to do this.1. Should I create 10,000 Pages in CQ through some Script?2. Should I store these 10,000 pages data in some catalog and create 1 Page in CQ.I have to provide a ...
Hi All,Suppose I have a page (for example : http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/jcr:content), which has a multivalued string property(say "Custom").I want to replace existing values with (say two new values). - Can someone please provide the curl command for doing the same.Any though...
Hi,I'd like to know if it is possible to retrieve values stored in a Custom session store from a java code.I looked into the documentation but didn't find anything.is it possible?Thanks
Hi,I am trying to cluster two authors. I am following the document http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/core/administering/cluster.html.[img]clustering.png[/img]. I am not able to join in the cluster. I am using the aem 6.0 version.PFA.Thanks in advance,Ragam
Hello Experts,I have a very basic question (programming best practice), please help.I have three different servlets which uses same configurations like username, password and hostname etc. How can i have one OSGi configuration used by all three servlet class. Regards,~TD
Hi,I have a requirement where user needs to select asset from a UI and a workflow to be initiated. User can select multiple asset from that screen, so i need to upload a single workflow instance with multiple payload.Can anyone provide any sample documentation or code how this can be done. I am look...
I was developing touch UI component. Below is what i tried and worked at some extent. Below is dialog.xml<content jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/container"> <layout jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/fou...
Hi,Can anyone tell me how to convert request parameters and values to selectors in URL.Example query parameter URL: http://IP:4503/content/en/mobilecontent/services.catalogContent.json?gameIds=2020-2020,2121-2121.Thanks,Venkata.