I am having a event handler. It gets trigger when ever there is any change in node property.Inside that event handler, how can I get which user changed the property. I want to get username / user id. Is there any way apart from lastmodified date of nodeThanks alot in advance
I am trying to enable GZip so that pages are served in compressed format. I could find only Apache 1.3 specific information in the dispatcher configuration documents as listed below.. Do we have alternative for later version of Apache?-----------------------------------------------------------------...
Hi all, I'm looking for a place where I can subscribe to announcements and notifications about outages, releases and other key information I may need about AEM. Any ideas?
In the current setup; we are trying to automate the process of creating the blueprint page, rolling it out to its live copies; and activating the live copy pages.Also; deactivation and deletion of pages is also done programmatically . All this is done via code using the com.day.cq.wcm.api.msm and co...
Hi, We have a corporate solution that is based on JS wiglets, and we are looking for a proper way to integrate it into the AEM so it will be in the toolbar of AEM Content editing?
Hi All,I installed the package provided in https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/howtopurgewf.html to try out and purge audit/workflow related data.The UI is as seen in the screenshot after package is installed.How do I control this, say-Delete audit details beyond a certain date, for certai...
Hello All, It seems when I create an Asset Share page from within Sites, in the Touch UI, then open the page, the Mosaic & List Lens Components are not placed on the page already. (Using Geometrixx Demo Site) Then when trying to place these onto the page, I am unable to do so because in the Touch UI...
Hi All,Some time back I remember reading somewhere in the Adobe documentation that said "Author genrally has 97% read and 3% write operations"Can you please let me know what comes under - Read operations-What comes under write operations.Any thoughts on this will be helpful.
Given an absolute path to some text content, how to get I get the actual value of that content? For example, I know the absolute path to my node property is /content/userblog/2015/06/blog_post/jcr:content/par/entry, in my .JSP file, how would I get the text value of that property?