As per 6.1 release notes there is a known issue with the auto clean up of segment store in cold standby TarMK cluster. And the recommendation is to restart before running the cleanup. Does this mean that we should schedule manual restarts before the auto clean runs ? How can we schedule that as the ...
HiAfter installation of Adobe Service Pack 2 , there is an intermittent alert while accessing any page in CQ. The alert shows "Your request could not be completed because you have been signed out" and after the alert , it redirects it to "/system/sling/login.html" and shows 404 server error File Not...
HiI have created a component with design dialog and I want this component to be editable only on base template and not on other templates. For this, I have added a listener to the dialog and in its "render" property I have written below code:function(box) { var currentPage = $('#design_basepage'...
We have a form that when submits redirect to a thank you page and sends an email to author. This works fine in author. However in publish when we submit the form we get a forbidden error You don't have permission to access /content/iss/partnernet-lexmark-com/en_us/products/software/education-station...
Hi All, We are upgrading from 5.4 to 6.1 . To get JCR Session we used the below code SlingRepository repo = sling.getService(SlingRepository.class); Session session = repo.loginAdministrative(null);Now while upgrading we want to useloginService(String subServiceName, String ...
HI, I have been using cURL commands in CQ5.6 to upload & download packages. Now I am trying to use them in AEM6 and download command doesnt work.I have executed the below commandcurl -u admin:adm!nn0wn http://localhost:4508/etc/packages/my_packages/ > xxxx.zipand it just returns a 0 byte fil...
I have the property adds in my standard page but once I save I see more properties that I've filled out on my page. It is ofthe type "granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield".
Hi,After installing SP2 we are facing several issues. One of the issue is:On Publish, CugSupportImpl is in unsatisfied state. I can also see error in logs; Please help. Its urgent.11.09.2015 09:14:52.166 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] [] Th...