Hi, I'm newbie to AEM - Just created a template (using v6.1) and am trying to access it in a new page. While am able to see the template, when i select and click next, nothing happens just for a flicker - any pointers on why this is happening would really help. Thanks !
HiI am working on the integration between Adobe Campaign 6.1 and Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 as per the documentation given at http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/administer/integration/marketing-cloud/campaign.htmlHowever when I hit the synchronize button at the I get an error saying "Error whi...
Hi everybody,we are looking for a solution to hide the Design Mode Link in the touch UI if users don't have the permissions to enter this mode.This mode is hidden from sidekick in the classic UI, but it is visible in touch UI. Without design permissions (only read on /etc/designs/*), it is still pos...
Hello,Can anyone explain to me how the Digital Asset Management (DAM) system within of Adobe Experience Manager works? and how it is integrated with the rest of Adobe Experience manager? Additionally, how can or can the DAM system be used/integrated with other (not adobe) digital marketing systems? ...
Hello,I am trying to access a servlet with a doPost method from the jsp and getting the following exception -Caused by: org.apache.sling.api.resource.PersistenceException: Resource at '/location/Stores' is not modifiable. at org.apache.sling.servlets.post.impl.helper.SlingPropertyValueHandler.set...
Hi All,I need to move 30k tags which is present in /etc/tags/default to /etc/tags/<customnamespace> . I can able to move single tags each time. Since we have more tags , i need to move in bulk between different namepaces (for example 25 naespace to move )Could you please let me know how it can be so...
Is it possible to build a web site in CRDXE lite (ie Hello World), put it in a package and export it to a web server like Tomcat? If so, is there any documentation on how to do this? Thanks for any help. Jason
Hi there,we are migration from CQ 5.5 to AEM 6.1. As said in the Deprecated and Removed Features the way the User and Group Node name are generated has changed to a random way using the RandomAuthorizableNodeName. Since the migrated nodes still have the "old" node names I was wondering if there coul...
Hi,While trying to install component which was created for 5.6 is throwing an error an exception in CQ 6.1. Please find the trace below. 18.09.2015 09:07:19.868 *ERROR* [qtp383669503-68] org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.fs.impl.io.GenericArtifactHandler Error while parsing jcr_root/apps/my-foundation...
Hi All,I am trying to customize the content finder, so added new button on the content finder and click on the button it has to show assets in alphanumeric order. i am looking for all the assets from DAM has to sort and display at content finder field.i have done the customization on the EXTJS side,...